SOFA Academy

We pass on our experience gained during more than 10 years of professional work and field experience.

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About the Academy

We offer courses, webinars, consultations and other educational formats for schools, kindergartens, social services, children's homes, representatives of municipalities and individuals from the professional educational community.

We have a team of professional trainers. All of them have many years of experience in education, healthcare, social work and other fields. And most importantly, they are used to shifting and changing the conditions for better coexistence for all of us.

We bring proven solutions for crisis situations. We pilot and subsequently put into practice new methods and procedures using experience from abroad, which we adapt to our environment.

Who we are here for

Teaching staff

Teachers of kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, teaching assistants, school psychologists, prevention methodologists, social pedagogues, educational counsellors.

Education and social leaders

Directors of kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, or their representatives, directors of children's homes, activation service centres (SAS), low-threshold facilities.

Workers in the social sphere

Social workers (OSPOD), workers of pedagogical-psychological counselling centres, educators in children's homes, employees of low-care facilities, SAS, accompanying persons.

Establishers of schools and institutions

Employees of municipal and regional authorities with a focus on education, e.g. heads of the education department, methodology officers, inclusion coordinators.

KAP and MAP subscribers

On the basis of approved strategic documents of regions and cities, we implement educational programmes according to the client's specifications.

Judicial staff

Social workers in court, judges of the guardianship court.


What we offer

Individual support

Are you a school director dealing with conflict in the teaching staff, difficult communication with parents or undesirable behaviour of pupils? Have you found yourself in a stalemate and don't know how to proceed? Choose one of the individual support options:


Take advantage of our experienced mentors to develop the core competencies of your talented colleagues.


We will ensure that you can effectively manage a complex multi-party debate. Our expert will be an impartial moderator of the discussion so that a constructive solution can be reached.


We offer individual and group supervision to develop professional teaching skills.


Schedule a consultation with one of our experts and gain insight into a seemingly intractable situation.

Tailor-made training for your school

Are you repeatedly dealing with the topics described below in your school and looking for answers? Do you need a systemic solution that works for the whole school? We can help. First, we will discuss with you in detail the situation and needs, and based on this we will prepare a tailored training offer for you.

Self-harm or suicide
  • Do you suspect self-harm in specific children?
  • How to recognize the warning signs of suicidal thoughts in children?
  • Not sure how to approach this sensitive topic?
  • What is your role and what is within your power to handle?
Challenging communication and expressions of aggression
  • Do you have children in school with challenging behaviour that disrupts the good classroom climate? Are you unable to change their behaviour?
  • Do you encounter aggression in children? Do you know how to respond to such behaviour, how to treat the aggressor, the rest of the class and the teacher?
  • Do you deal with difficult communication with parents?
Class management
  • How to create a good classroom climate and how to correctly set up classroom management?
  • How to ensure that the class begins to function as a team and not as rivals? 
  • Do you need to eliminate pathological relationships in the classroom and prevent bullying? 
Children at risk
  • Need to learn how to quickly recognize a child at risk?
  • How to ensure that everyone who may come into contact with children at risk works together effectively?
  • How to communicate with children who are not being cared for enough or are being abused?
Wellbeing and mental health
  • Do you want to know more about wellbeing and how to communicate it properly in relation to the revision of the RVP and Strategy 2030+?
  • How to support the development of socio-emotional skills in children?
  • How to look after the mental health of teachers and how to prevent burnout syndrome?


Choose from a wide range of face-to-face and online courses. We focus on topics such as children's mental health and wellbeing, challenging behaviour, inclusion, and complex communication.


Interaktivní kurzy, které se do hloubky věnují některému z našich témat. Výhodou je možnost studium kdykoli přerušit a dokončit individuálně.


Online courses are already a proven and effective communication tool. Take a look at the list of currently available webinars, or let us know what topic you are interested in. The length is usually 2-4 hours.


Personal contact is irreplaceable, which is why we regularly announce dates for face-to-face training. The duration is usually 2-4 hours. They are intended for schools and residential institutions, the social sphere and other government professionals.

Positive Behavior Support System (PBIS)

PBIS is a proven, functional system that helps you to set up conditions and processes in your school so that you can effectively prevent problematic behaviour. Research confirms that PBIS methodology improves students' learning outcomes as well as teacher satisfaction.

Upcoming dates of courses

Previous courses

Our lecturers

Introducing our nationwide team of experts behind each of our courses, seminars, webinars and personalised support.

foto kontakt
Mgr. Kristýna Farkašová  ->

Therapist, crisis interventionist

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Mgr. et Mgr. Marta Štrinclová  ->

Psychotherapist, etoped

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Mgr. Barbara Dobešová, Ph.D.  ->

Trauma-informed care trainer, independent expert in mental health and wellbeing in schools

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Mgr. Zdenka Štefanidesová  ->

certified therapist and family counselor, professional mentor for kindergartens and elementary schools

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Mgr. Monika Suchardová Semerádová, DiS.  ->

Social educator with a focus on etopedics, social worker

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Mgr. Iveta Křepelová  ->

School psychologist

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MUDr. Lucia Vašková  ->

Lecturer, child psychiatrist

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Lucie Radová, MSc.  ->

Trauma-Friendly Approach trainer

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Mgr. Pavlína Sablová  ->

Trauma-Friendly Approach trainer

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Mgr. Alena Konečná  ->

Trauma-Friendly Approach trainer

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Mgr. Ing. Zlata Koštejnová, SEP  ->

Lektorka trauma respektujícího přístupu

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Mgr. Silvie Houšťavová  ->

Lektorka trauma respektujícího přístupu


Implementation team

Foto Mgr. Jana Jungmannová​

Mgr. Jana Jungmannová​

Director of the SOFA Academy

Foto Mgr. Jiří Merta

Mgr. Jiří Merta

Lecturer team manager, PBIS coach

Foto Bc. et BcA Klára Kujanová

Bc. et BcA Klára Kujanová

Guarantor of the content of educational outcomes, methodologist

Foto Bc. Natálie Havlíčková

Bc. Natálie Havlíčková

Event coordinator, education coordination

Foto Silvie Vilímová

Silvie Vilímová

Key account manager

Foto Mgr. Eva Frélichová

Mgr. Eva Frélichová

Education Coordinator

Foto Bc. Václav Zoubek

Bc. Václav Zoubek

Financial Manager

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