
We create conditions for children with traumatic experiences to receive support in schools and other institutions to help mitigate the effects of trauma. This is why we have created PorT - Understanding Trauma.

About the project

We've brought together the right experts
  • We have built a strong team of experts in key areas.
  • An advisory team of peers, young adults with traumatic childhood experiences, helps us to grasp the topic in a way that meets the real needs of children.
  • The quality of the outputs and the implementation of international good practice is overseen by a National and International Supervisory Team composed of international experts and representatives of key institutions in the country.
We are creating a training programme
  • It is designed for workers in education and social services.
  • It promotes self-regulation skills in all children in the classroom.
  • Specific de-escalation techniques are practiced for escalated situations.
  • We encourage interdisciplinary cooperation.
  • Our focus is on the child at risk, but also on those who work with the children and their satisfaction.
  • We provide expert advice for working with children with traumatic experiences.
We are working on a plan to expand throughout the Czech Republic and abroad
  • We will train dozens of trainers for maximum impact and maximum availability in all regions of the Czech Republic.
  • The training programme and follow-up information materials will be available in other V4 countries - Poland, Slovakia and Hungary - and translated into four world languages.
  • Project number: 101049728
  • Implementation period: 04/2022 -03/2024
  • Thematic area: domestic violence, children with traumatic experiences, trauma sensitive approach, interdisciplinary cooperation, identification of children at risk
  • Partners: ROSA
  • Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme, CERV, EU

Training offer


Project team


Sequential development and brain organization

Part of the 16-hour course: A Trauma-Friendly Approach as a Solution to Challenging Behaviors, there are four short videos that connect the content of the trauma-focused approach. The first of the videos, which focuses on sequential development and brain architecture, is publicly available. This, together with the others, forms an integral part of the whole course.

Prevalence of negative childhood experiences in the Czech population

Negative experiences can be perceived by each of us with different strengths of impact in everyday life. This can include neglect, domestic violence, sexual abuse, incarceration of a family member, mental illness. The following table shows the representation of people in the country by the number of NHS they are or have been exposed to.

The child's reaction to stress

Failure to meet a child's basic needs within the family, at school or outside of school, causes significant stress to the child. Severe or chronic stress causes the body to react defensively. Our infographic shows what this reaction can look like in a child?

How to help a child who has undergone trauma

Do you have a child in your class who is going through or has gone through a traumatic experience? Would you like to offer him or her a supportive and safe environment? We offer you specific tips for each area to help you create the right conditions for children with negative experiences.

PorT training: sample worksheets

The materials expand knowledge in each area of trauma-informed approaches through short activities. The worksheets can be printed and worked with directly. They are intended not only for education and social service workers. With the support of a competent person, children can also work with them.

How to help a child experiencing acute trauma

It is likely that you have encountered a child in your practice who is experiencing acute trauma. How should we treat the child at such times, how should we approach the child, what should we provide and how should we support the child? Specific recommendations and tips can be found in this infographic.

Brain Breaks

When working with children or young adults, it helps to include short, regular brain breaks. We can divide them into those that help us to calm down and those that stimulate activity and attention. It is important to engage them briefly and frequently, in a pleasant and respectful way, relationally, rhythmically, repeatedly, with appropriate challenge, purpose and rules, and with an individual approach.

Publication: Trauma-informed approach – sample: How to communicate with a child at risk.

Publication is an integral part of the entire course, during which the participants work with it and keep it for further use in their practice. The booklet is divided into the following chapters, Chapter 9 is available for demonstration.

Self-regulation for children - activities

Regulation and self-regulation is a skill. It is something that children learn from us adults. Let's support them and offer them activities that are appropriate to their age and abilities. With this infographic, children can get inspiration for individual activities to help them cope with challenging situations.

Relaxation corner

Relaxační koutek je místem, kde se žák může cítit bezpečně a kde může mít prostor ke zvládnutí neklidu a množství stresu v bezpečí a v soukromí.

How does my engine run?

Pomůcka pomáhá dětem rozpoznat svůj aktuální stav. Pokud jsou příliš unavené nebo naopak rozrušené, nemohou se učit. K dosažení rovnováhy jim pomohou seberegulační techniky. Pokud dětem pomůžeme naučit se monitorovat svůj stav, mohou předejít jeho eskalaci a podpořit své učení.

Leaflet about the PorT project - understanding trauma

Brief description of the project and accredited training Trauma Informed Approach as a solution to challenging behaviour for education and social workers.

Samatosenzory aids to help children work with stress

Surely you can recall the various fidgety habits we unwittingly do in situations that require our concentration. For school children, these include rocking in their chairs, playing with things, scribbling on their desks, destroying notebook covers, biting their nails, or even clicking a pencil or bottle cap. Self-regulation aids are the solution to these classroom distractions. How to do it? A new infographic will tell you.

How to identify a child at risk

The infographic supports early identification and assistance to children at risk. It advises educational and social workers on what to do if a child is in acute danger and what steps to take if we notice warning signs in a child's behaviour or physical condition. The material was produced as part of the PorT: Understanding Trauma project.

Safety plan - infographic

The Safety Plan infographic was created to support child witnesses of domestic violence. It maps out the child's options in a difficult situation and provides contact details for the services of the Safety Line. You can post it in areas where children are around: for example, in the hallway or in a school classroom. The material was produced as part of the PorT: Understanding Trauma project.

Level of stress response activation

Have you experienced a situation where all thoughts have disappeared from your mind and you have been unable to think? This can happen to us during exams, but also as a result of more serious events. What happens to us in such moments? This infographic helps us to map it out.

Three steps to manage challenging behaviour

The infographic is intended for educational or social workers who encounter or may encounter a child with challenging behaviour. The description of the steps is very brief, the material is used to consolidate the knowledge gained during the 16 course Trauma Respectful Approach as a solution to challenging behaviour in children.

Stress and its consequences

Stress takes two forms. One that helps us grow and one that hurts us. It has the same effect on children. Some of them have had or are having adverse experiences that have affected their behaviour. This infographic offers us approaches that we can use to support these children. The material was produced as part of the PorT: Understanding Trauma project.


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed, however, are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
