Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS)
PBIS is a sophisticated, research-validated system aimed at promoting desirable, universally accepted behaviour and mental health in children. It is used in primary and secondary schools around the world.
About the PBIS system
The system also makes the work easier and more efficient for teachers.
It offers school directors a system that effectively helps to build a pleasant school climate, good relationships and a relaxed atmosphere.
A system that doesn't forget anyone
- PBIS builds on the natural ability of humans to learn to respond to their environment with certain behaviours. That is, behaviour needs to be taught, just like other educational content.
- Thus, the primary approach is to teach and reinforce school-wide uniform, positively articulated rules of behaviour, called behavioural expectations.
- The system includes three levels of support, with a basic level for all children, a second level for children with sub-needs, and a third level for children with complex mental health needs, including traumatised children and children displaying risky behaviour.
- The system also facilitates the work of educators. It offers school directors a tool to help build a good school climate, friendly relationships and a relaxed atmosphere.
The three-tier model, or effective support for all pupils
How PBIS is implemented in the school
For which schools is the system suitable and how is it implemented in practice?
- The system is very flexible and can therefore be implemented in virtually any school. The implementation takes place in the framework of our courses.
- We organise PBIS courses both for individual teachers (Classroom PBIS) and for the whole teaching staff (Whole School PBIS).
- We focus primarily on mainstream primary schools where the introduction of PBIS will support both children who are achieving well and behaving well, as well as children who need more intensive support in behaviour and learning.
How long does it take to implement PBIS school-wide?
- The period of introduction varies. Ideally, a school should progress at a pace that its capacity allows.
- In the Schoolwide PBIS course, we anticipate coach support for one year, which is the minimum time required for sustainable implementation of PBIS Level I principles.
- At the end of one year, the PBIS coach will evaluate whether the school has implemented the key elements of PBIS and can be run as a "PBIS school". If the key elements are not in place, then the evaluation serves as the basis for development in the following year and the school may request a new evaluation at a later date.
Who is involved in the implementation of PBIS?
- A minimum of four people on the PBIS team are required to work together. Gradually, the team should be expanded to include parent and child representatives.
- The school PBIS team consists of:
- The school director or a representative of the administration
- A school counseling staff member (e.g., special/social educator, psychologist, guidance counselor, or prevention methodologist)
- 1st and 2nd grade (elementary school) teachers
Our support for the implementation of PBIS in the Czech Republic
PBIS rollout piloted!
As part of the pilot implementation of PBIS in Czech schools (the School Helps Children at Risk project), we have successfully overcome two years of covid and the beginnings of the war crisis in Ukraine.
Despite the very non-standard conditions of the piloting, we managed to maintain cooperation and develop the principles in several primary schools in the Czech Republic.
We have successfully piloted in three primary schools, and we have been cooperating long-term with other schools in the form of consultations and courses.
We have trained PBIS coaches ready to help schools across the country
We provide accredited training for PBIS coaches who have a deep understanding of the system and also have the skills needed to flexibly set PBIS rules in schools.
We are currently working with 19 trained coaches who operate throughout the country.
We provide them with all the materials, supervision and support they need.
Our schools always have someone to lean on
We provide supervision for schools in implementing PBIS principles.
We create materials for schools and coaches, participate in the creation of publications and articles, consult emerging materials of other organizations and generally advocate for the spread of the topic of Positive Behaviour Support PBIS across the Czech Republic.
We have the latest know-how from abroad
We regularly consult with leading foreign experts on the adaptation of PBIS to the Czech environment, participate in international conferences and join European projects.
We select the most beneficial materials, which we adapt to the Czech environment after translation. We actively offer these materials to PBIS coaches and interested schools. We publish the processed materials on our website.
We organize professional conferences
In 2022 and 2023, we hosted four major training events on PBIS implementation. At all events, we were honoured to welcome distinguished international guests. The response has been very positive, and the available recording of each event makes it possible to educate yourself on PBIS principles and their applications in practice, free of charge.
We are working on systemic measures
We have a long-standing commitment to positive change in education, mental health support and the protection of children at risk.
Our goal is to set appropriate conditions in schools for educators to enable every child to develop and reach their educational potential. In the education system we promote the need for non-specific prevention in schools and multi-level support in the areas of wellbeing, mental health and behaviour.
Training offer
PBIS coaches
Introducing our team of PBIS coaches who are ready to successfully guide your school through the implementation of a school-wide PBIS, offer Classroom PBIS training, or provide additional support and consultation on an agreed upon scope nationwide.
Teacher of literature and drama at ZUŠ, lecturer of experiential programmes, mediator
Teacher in a school for pupils with disabilities and teacher trainer in teacher training
Teacher, language and IT lecturer, coordinator of international ERASMUS projects
SOFA representatives in the project
This poster introduces the basic rules of classroom behaviour, focusing on responsibility, safety and respect.
This poster serves as a visual guide for children on how to concentrate properly during class.
This poster is designed to help children better understand their personal boundaries and rights, such as the right to their own opinion, the right to make mistakes or to express their feelings.
The Messages to Self poster contains positive affirmations that children can use to boost their self-esteem and develop a healthy relationship with themselves.
The poster motivates children to develop a growth mindset, an approach that encourages perseverance and a willingness to learn from mistakes.
This poster highlights the impact of the words we say.
This poster focuses on respect in three areas: respect for self, respect for others and respect for the environment.
The poster shows the different volume levels and their appropriate use in different situations.
This poster highlights the power of positive communication and shows older children (and teens) how to choose words that can please others instead of those that can hurt.
This poster helps children understand and manage their emotions, especially anger.
The support material includes a brief introduction to the principles of PBIS and self-assessment sheets designed for primary school teachers to gradually transfer positive behaviour support into the classroom.
The methodological guide with forms for the implementation of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and the development of a Student Behavior Change Support Plan is intended primarily for professionals and teams in elementary schools implementing PBIS and/or who regularly support students with intensive behavioral needs.
This methodology presents research-validated strategies and measures to help educators set up an environment that supports appropriate student behaviour.
Náročné chování je zastřešující pojem pro chování dětí, které se výrazně odlišuje od očekávaného chování pro daný věk a negativně ovlivňuje učení a vztahy ve škole.
V pátek 10. ledna 2020 ČOSIV ve spolupráci s Národní sítí Místních akčních skupin (NS MAS ČR) spoluorganizoval seminář na téma podpory dětského duševního zdraví ve školách. Jako první představil Milan Kotík z AISIS program Mimalizace šikany (MIŠ).
V přednášce Margreet van Oudheusden je představena metoda intervence PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support), především PROČ, JAK a CO tato intervence mění v chování žáků. Jedná se o komplexní systém zaměřený na management třídy, nastavení školního prostředí a cílenou intervenci u žáků s problémovým chováním.
Návrat do škol po přerušení výuky: Postupy podporující pocit bezpečí, předvídatelnost prostření a očekávané chování. V níže přiloženém PDF souboru přinášíme šest strategií zvyšujících pocit bezpečí, předvídatelnosti a očekávaného chování. Ty umožňují při návratu do škol poskytnout nejen plošnou podporu všem žákům, ale i cílenou podporu dětem s vyšší potřebou podpory .
Záznam prezentace představuje základní pilíře přístupu PBIS k prevenci náročného chování žáků ve škole a diferencované intervenci poskytované v závislosti na míře podpory, kterou žáci v oblasti sociálního fungování ve škole potřebují.
Infografika stručně popisuje tři způsoby zklidnění rozrušeného dítěte
Konference PBIS „Podpora ohrožených dětí prostřednictvím specifických intervencí ve škole“
Materiály z odborného semináře „Podpora vhodného chování PBIS na celé škole“
Přednáška Steva Goodmana, ve které představuje výzkumně ověřený koncept prevence a intervence zaměřený na problémové chování žáků Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS). Jedná se o komplexní systém zaměřený na management třídy, nastavení školního prostředí, cílenou intervenci u žáků se závažnými problémy v chování i podporu zapojování rodičů žáků. Efektivita PBIS byla ověřena mnoha výzkumnými studiemi.
První česká konference Pozitivní podpory chování PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports) je určena expertům v oblasti školství, ředitelům a učitelům základních škol, speciálním pedagogům, asistentům pedagoga, výchovným poradcům a všem, které zajímají inovativní přístupy ve vzdělávání a podpora duševního zdraví žáků a pedagogů.
Odborný článek o podpoře duševního zdraví žáků pomocí systému PBIS Vědecký časopis Pedagogická orientace zveřejnil text, ve kterém detailně popisujeme, proč je systém PBIS tak přínosný a jeho základní pilíře.
Na radost z učení a zážitek z úspěchu má ve škole právo každé dítě
We cooperate
We are part of the Association for Positive Behaviour Support (APBS), a European network supporting the implementation of PBIS, and work extensively with experts from the University of South Florida (University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities) and Michigan's Multi-Tiered System of Supports Technical Assistance Center.