
Through joint efforts, sharing know-how and interdisciplinary cooperation, we support systemic changes in children's education in the Czech Republic. We want all children to learn fully, with joy and equal opportunities, and to leave school ready for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Eduzměna is a project involving representatives of the private, non-profit and public sectors.

About the project

What is the goal of the project

  • We want to radically change the way we teach. We believe that if we open ourselves up to change and collaboration, not only the children, but also the teachers and parents will be better off.
  • We know that there are many great teachers and school directors in our country. And we would like to see more of them, because our society needs them.  
  • That's why we're pushing for systemic change. We started in the Kutnohorska region, and we are continuing soon to other regions as well.

Involvement of SOFA in the project

  • As part of Eduzměna, we want to contribute to creating a safe and welcoming environment in schools in the Kutná Hora region for all children, regardless of their differences.
  • Our main role is to emphasize interdisciplinary cooperation, early identification and support of differently disadvantaged children, and a functional infrastructure for the common education of all children.
  • We promote the principle of equal opportunities with an emphasis on the wellbeing of children and teachers.


Project team

Foto Mgr. Lenka Hečková​

Mgr. Lenka Hečková​

Expert team


Spolupráce ČOSIV s nadačním fondem Eduzměna

ČOSIV intenzivně spolupracuje s nadačním fondem Eduzměna. Podílel se na přípravě informačního letáku, kde zejm. školy mohou nalézt kontakty na Partnery v území Kutnohorska a naplno využít mezioborové spolupráce školského, sociálního i zdravotního sektoru.

Týmy dětského duševního zdraví podpoří děti a školy na Kutnohorsku

Týmy dětského duševního zdraví podpoří děti a školy na Kutnohorsku

Official project websites
