Who we are

The non-profit organization Society for All was founded in 2011, originally under the name ČOSIV (Czech Professional Society for Inclusive Education). We started with a small team, but never with small ambitions.

ilustrace staveni

There is so much that needs to change. Gradually we have gained respect and recognition through partial successes. Thanks to donor funding, we have grown into an organization that has three dozen permanent staff, over 200 associates and professional advisors in the field, and has built a training team of over 100 permanent trainers.

The pillars of our work

Quality education

We work to remove barriers to education and find new ways to include disadvantaged children among their peers. We strive to ensure that every child experiences a sense of achievement and acceptance at school.

Mental Health

We strengthen mental health, not only for children - we thematise wellbeing and try to make it as important for society as education itself. Because only a child who is well and safe can reach their full potential.

Helping children at risk

And we are here for children at risk - we are building an effective system for early identification of these children and subsequent effective assistance. We emphasize interdisciplinary cooperation between all those who come into contact with children.


Our values

  • We're not giving up. We persevere to improve conditions for all.
  • For us, the result is only real change.
  • We don't sit back, we don't slack off, but we are there, where we are needed. In the field or in the House.
  • We connect and support other organisations because we know that unity is strength.
  • We bring to the Czech Republic a unique and revolutionary know-how that accelerates positive change.
  • We are a partner you can turn to with confidence.
  • And we do it all with a smile because we enjoy it.

What we offer

Help in the field

We offer a wide range of support in the form of consultations, courses, seminars and conferences throughout the Czech Republic.

Awareness and education

We focus on mental health, managing challenging behaviour in children, inclusion and more. We are inspired by proven professional approaches and projects from around the world, which we adapt for the Czech environment.

Advocacy activities

We monitor forthcoming legislation in the fields of education, social care and health, and always provide expert opinions, recommendations and opposition where necessary.

Strategic partnerships

We represent and organize other non-profit organizations with a similar focus as ours. We do not fragment, but instead concentrate our efforts to maximize the impact of our activities.

Management of SOFA

Foto PhDr. Lenka Felcmanová, Ph.D.

PhDr. Lenka Felcmanová, Ph.D.

Chairwoman and co-founder

Foto Mgr. Dana Benešová

Mgr. Dana Benešová

Executive Director

Foto Mgr. Klára Laurenčíková

Mgr. Klára Laurenčíková



Our members

Vladimír Foist
Vanda Hájková
Olga Havlátová
Zdenka Juklová
Iva Langer Pikalová
Vít Masopust
Jan Michalík
Zbyněk Němec
Iveta Němečková
Petra Zahradníková
Monika Zemská
Jana Straková
Iva Strnadová
Zdeněk Svoboda
Adéla Lábusová
Daniel Krsička
Lucie Macků
Simona Dejdarová
Nadace Albatros
Člověk v tísni
Centrum inkluze
DownSyndrom CZ
Institut pro restorativní justici
ZŠ Integra Vsetín
Fair for Family
Základní škola Solidarita
Společnost pro kreativitu ve vzdělávání
Parent Project
Nová škola
Inclusio o.p.s
Cogito, centrum kognitivní edukace
Platforma pro včasnou péči
Základní škola a Mateřská škola Velké Hamry
Pro Zdraví 21

Our history, or what we have done

Our years of hard work have produced a number of results that may not have been visible at first sight, but which have helped those most vulnerable. And thus in many ways, our society has changed for the better.

The most significant achievements include the following

We participated in the Inclusive Reform (2016).

We contributed to the withdrawal of a failed proposal to amend the decree on the education of pupils with special educational needs.

We contributed to the promotion of children's mental health (NAPDZ 2030, SVP ČR 2030+) .

We were involved in the development of systemic support for wellbeing and are actively involved in its implementation in schools.

Ashoka evaluated the work of COSIV as an example of good practice.

We built a PBIS expert centre.

We built the Academy, a comprehensive education system. In 2022 alone, we trained 4,387 people.